Sign into
Create a new story.
Upload short videos and images to your story.
Publish the story - remember to write down the story ID next to the story title, you will need this for later!
Sign into
Create a new story.
Upload short videos and images to your story.
Publish the story - remember to write down the story ID next to the story title, you will need this for later!
To add Gobi stories into an job ad on Jobbnorge, you must first insert a Gobi module into the ad. You can find the module from the 'Insert module' option at the bottom of the green menu bar.
NB! If the module is not activated, plesae contact us.
As you can see there is two modules:
To add a story to the module you must copy the story ID from Gobi Studio and past in into the module, like on the picture below.
We also recommend to add a title which will be placed under the story
After you've finalized the steps above, you can click "Legg til story"You can use the preivew to check how the stories would look in the Jobbnorge ad.