Sign into
Create a new story.
Upload short videos and images to your story.
Publish the story.
Sign into
Create a new story.
Upload short videos and images to your story.
Publish the story.
Enter the "Add To Email" tab on the left side in Gobi Studio
Choose a story you want to add to your email, remember to style it the way you want.
When you are done, click "generate code"
When the code is done generating, then click "Copy code"
Go to "All campaigns"
Find the campaign you want to add Gobi to
Open the content editor
Drag the "code" content into the email tempate
Add the Gobi email code to the "code" content like the picture below
You can choose the placing of the video with either mailchimp layout or HTML code like <center>
And now you are done, congratulations!